Is my water bill too high?


There are many reasons that a water bill could be unusually high, most commonly this is due to increased usage or external and internal leaks. When determining if a bill is due for an adjustment, customer service representatives will look at a few different things. (you can look at a step-by-step of the full water review process here).

Water Usage History

When looking at the history of your water usage, a pattern will likely inform whether or not the increased bill is due to an increase of usage or leak. Hourly consumption data can help determine when the usage spike happened, and if it is constant (which could indicate a leak).

Your Infrastructure Fee and meter size.

Your monthly infrastructure fee is based on the size of your water meter. DPW offers assistance programs to qualified individuals to help them manage their bills, and in some instances residents can seek a meter reduction.

Turn-Off Test

When a leak is suspected, a turn-off test may be conducted. Turn-off tests are when the property owner is asked to shut-off the valve to the main water line. If the meter is still registering water usage, an underground leak may be present on the property.

Your service period.

This is the period of time from your last meter read to your current meter read. Sometimes higher-than-usual bills are a result of a period of time greater than 30 days.

More Info

Hungry for more water billing information?

You can find more detailed information on how to understand your water bill, and how to request a water bill adjustment on the Department of Public Works Website.


How can I check my usage?

How to: DPW's Customer Self-Service Portal

Before reaching out to, you can get a better understanding of your water usage trends and hourly consumption data by using the Self-Service Portal.

Water billing questions and disputes are among the most common constituent concerns our office receives. Many residents want to know why their water bill is high or if the resulting jump in a bill amount might be from a leak.


To help empower city residents, our office put together a quick tutorial on how you can use the Baltimore City Department of Public Works self-service portal to track your water usage by the hour, set alerts, and dispute bills. It’s a great system, and we want to make sure everyone knows how to use it.

If you believe your water bill has an error, you can reach out to DPW directly at

Water Affordability Programs

The Baltimore City Department of Public Works offers several programs provide qualifying Baltimore City customers with bill adjustments, payment plans, financial assistance; as well as provide credits and fee exemptions for financial hardship. For information on programs available, please look at the resources below from the Department of Public Works’ website.

Water Bill Payment Assistance Programs:

Additional Resources: