Councilmember Cohen, Older Adult Advocates, and Local Non-Profits Secure the return of Experience Corps to Baltimore City Public Schools


Monday, December 19, 2022


Ginny Lawhorn


Councilmember Cohen, Older Adult Advocates and Local Non-Profits Secure the return of Experience Corps to Baltimore City Public Schools


BALTIMORE, MD (December 19, 2022)


Councilmember Cohen, together with Elev8 Baltimore, AARP, The Y of Maryland, and a strong coalition of Experience Corps advocates, has secured the return of Experience Corps to Baltimore City in 2023. The coalition will celebrate this victory with a press conference and rally at Baltimore City Hall on Wednesday, December 21 at noon.


In the spring of 2022, advocates contacted Councilmember Cohen with concerns that AARP was terminating the national program’s Flagship Baltimore site, effective SY2022. 

Experience Corps Baltimore had nearly 100 highly-trained older adult volunteers serving thousands of students yearly in high-needs elementary schools as one-on-one tutors. Councilmember Cohen called on AARP to find a pathway to continuing Experience Corps in Baltimore. AARP, the nation’s leading older adult non profit committed to finding a local partner. 


“After the strains that virtual learning placed on our students, this vital resource is more important than ever,” says Councilmember Zeke Cohen. “Our older adults are a source of wisdom and an asset to young people. And I have heard consistently that this is a lifeline for seniors. Fostering these intergenerational relationships is a win-win.”


AARP will resume this intergenerational tutoring model in February of 2023 with the support of two local partners--Y of Central Maryland and Elev8. Each partner will initially support two school sites in Baltimore City (Walter P. Carter EMS, Arundel EMS, Southwest Baltimore Charter School and Johnston Square ES) with the potential for expansion in future school years.. 


“This is an example of the power of older adults coming together, across social and racial boundaries to make a positive impact in the city. Simply put, this is a win for all of us.” says Jamal Davis, an Experience Corps former staff member and advocate for the program.


“Elev8 Baltimore is proud to partner with AARP Foundation to expand our inter-generational approach to student success. Partnerships like these will help move the needle around grade level reading and long-term student success,” says Elev8 Baltimore Executive Director Alexandria Warrick Adams. 


AARP Foundation Experience Corps is a community-based volunteer program that empowers people over 50 to serve as in-school tutors to help students become better readers. Volunteers attend an annual 25-hour training and spend five to 15 hours a week in classrooms providing direct support to students. This model delivers critical engagement and encouragement to young people while creating opportunities for older adults to contribute to their communities.

Councilmember Cohen will be available today and Tuesday. To schedule an interview, please email or



Who: Councilmember Zeke Cohen; Mioshi Moses, Vice President, AARP Foundation Experience Corps; BCPS principals of the four participating BCPS schools; Alexandria Warrick Adams, Executive Director, Elev8 Baltimore;  Derryck D. Fletcher, Chief Operating Officer, The Y in Central Maryland; members of the Experience Corps volunteer coalition

Where: In Front of City Hall

When: 12pm, Wednesday, December 21

What: Announcing the resumption of Experience Corps in BCPS in 2023


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