Councilmember Cohen to Introduce Legislation to Explore Reforming or Abolishing The Board of Estimates



February 16, 2023


Zeke Cohen


Councilmember Cohen to Introduce Legislation to 

Explore Reforming or Abolishing The Board of Estimates


BALTIMORE, MD (February 16, 2023) — Councilmember Zeke Cohen will introduce a bill authorizing a taskforce to recommend democratizing or abolishing the Board of Estimates.


The legislation comes following a Board of Estimates meeting, during which Mayor Brandon Scott and his appointees voted in favor of an agreement between the City of Baltimore and BGE — despite significant concerns voiced by elected officials and the public.


“A former Council President once wisely warned us of this bad outcome while leading the fight to democratize the Board of Estimates,” says Cohen. “That Council President was Brandon Scott. He was right. Key decisions about City finances should never be controlled by a single elected official. Public input is essential. Disagreement and debate lead to deeper truths and better outcomes for our City.”


“The debacle over the BGE conduit deal is a brutal indictment of our Strong Mayor system of government in Baltimore,” says Cohen. “We must respond by democratizing the Board of Estimates to make it more accountable to our residents. Or, we could just abolish it.”


The proposed taskforce will bring together non-elected Baltimoreans to explore best practices and listen to city residents. They will revisit recommendations that came from a council committee created by Brandon Scott during his time as Council President.


“This is not about who sits in the Mayor’s office. It is about structural change, and an acknowledgement that Baltimore deserves the best system of governance possible.” says Cohen.


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